My Lent Focus

In the spirit of the Lent season, I did something yesterday that brought me some much needed peace and calm.

003 004 I headed uptown an hour early so that I could partake in Ash Wednesday services at St.Thomas Church. One common theme that I’ve heard over the years at these services is that the season isn’t necessarily about what you’re giving up or how many people know what you’re strong enough to give up for 40 days. In fact, Frank Allen, the rector at St David’s in Wayne, Pennsylvania said that he often gained more by choosing to focus on something during these days. Since then, I’ve done my best to take a similar attitude. Even if I choose something to refrain from during Lent, such as this year’s processed sweets, I try to take it a step further by spending at least five to ten minutes each day focusing on something.

Last year, I focused on patience, much to my mother’s pleasure. This year, I chose something that is even more important for me: gratitude. I find that I often move so quickly, both in my personal life and work life, that I forget all the amazing things in my life each day. Therefore, each day I am writing a hand written note thank you note to someone showing them appreciation for everything they do each day, near or far. Even though today was only my second thank you note, the few minutes of quiet, focusing on how much they have brought to my life, has been meditation like.

I challenge you to give it a try. Take five minutes and write someone a good old fashion thank you note.

Question: Do you participate in Lent? What are you giving up or focusing on this year? 

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  1. Joss February 24, 2012 / 2:31 pm

    No we do not traditionally focus on that at our church 🙂 do you usually attend service at that church?

    I find it hard to give up something…even if it’s for such a good reason.

    • Ashley D February 25, 2012 / 2:17 am

      No, I don’t regularly attend service at that church but I really liked the sermon so I may start going. I don’t find it hard to give up something, especially when there is a bigger reason.

      • Joss February 26, 2012 / 11:13 pm

        I guess I should look at it that way! 🙂

  2. Megs February 24, 2012 / 7:09 pm

    I have always chosen to add something to my life in one way – last year hand written notes to people, year before it was saying hello to a stranger everyday, another year it was saying soemthing positive about myself or my body everyday….

    THis year I have given up chocolate and tortilla chips. However if I start to lose sight of the sacrficie and find myself complaining about it I will stop = thats NOT the reason for the season!!

    • Ashley D February 25, 2012 / 2:15 am

      I love the saying hello to a stranger a day. Great job!

  3. mindy @ just a one girl revolution. February 24, 2012 / 7:38 pm

    This year, I’m giving up two things – negative self-talk and my snooze button. I wrote about it here:

    In regard to gratitude, for the past couple of weeks I’ve been making an effort to journal at least one thing every day that I’m grateful for – I feel like it’s already changing my attitudes and perspectives on so many areas of life.

    • Ashley D February 25, 2012 / 2:14 am

      Those are both great things! I’m sure you’ll be happier without them. Who needs a snooze button anyway? 🙂

  4. Katie @ Talk Less, Say More February 25, 2012 / 4:03 am

    I LOVE that you’re writing a thank you note to someone each day. I love sending and receiving real mail, whether it’s a thank you note, postcard, or letter. It’s really the simple things in life that can bring us the most joy.

    • Ashley D February 27, 2012 / 12:07 am

      Katie it has been so rewarding thus far. I can only hope that the people on the receiving end enjoy it too!

  5. Life's a Bowl February 26, 2012 / 1:38 pm

    Every year I have given up some type of drink or food that I could live without- soda, sweets and treats, etc. but this year I’ve had a bunch of inspiration to GIVE rather than give up! The idea of helping others in some way really resonates with me and I cannot wait to figure out what I’m gonna do… Soup kitchen? Something related to school with my students? I have yet to decide but my mind is racing!

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