A day filled with surprises!

Happy Wednesday! I hope everyone is having a great hump day and hopefully enjoying better weather than New York City. I don’t know what it is about rain but it just makes me want to lay in bed all day and read. My gal Lilveggiepatch talked about it today in her post and I couldn’t agree more! Does rain make you want to stay in bed? I will say, my comfy Hunter wellies do improve the rainy day outlook since I don’t have to worry about keeping my feet dry.
This morning started bright and early as Bo and signed up for a crazy challenge at Equinox. Our favorite spin instructor, Dave M, who we enjoy every Monday morning was teaching a special endurance spin class today in honor of February and Heart Health month. Bo and I only started spinning seriously seven weeks ago and since then have enjoyed our Monday and Tuesday spin classes each week. Two weeks ago we invested in padded spin shorts and cycling shoes which have made all the difference. Cycling is intended to not only use a down force on the pedal, but an upward pulling force as well. Clip-in spinning shoes allow this motion. For spinning, this uses muscles you would not regularly use without the upstroke. More muscles used means more weight lose due to more calories burned. I have definitely felt a difference in my calf muscles since investing in shoes.

Dave M’s Monday class focuses on an hour workout that will leave you begging for 23 hours of recovery while Candace’s Tuesday class focuses on proper form and interval training. Today’s class promised the following:
This 75 minute spin class is a rigorous workout specifically designed to improve endurance, cardiovascular health, and aerobic capacity while building muscle, improving strength, and reducing fat. Interval based, emphasis on proper cycling form and technique.

Bo and I were both hesitant about the class but excited for the challenge. Could two spinning newbies make it through the entire class or would we have to leave early and give in to defeat? Challenges like this are what often help me realize my potential and how far i’ve come over the past few years. During high school and college I never participated in any intramural sports or activities where I feared I wouldn’t succeed. I always feared failure or what people may think. It is amazing how my confidence has increased over the past few years as i’ve realized that I will never gain anything without trying and that most people are too focused on their own workout during a class to worry about my mistakes or inabilities.
The class was definitely a challenge and tough from minute 1 all the way through 75. Dave included a long hill at the start and the middle while the in between was speed workouts, red/light greenlight, and hill killers with negative splits. Woah! My bike shorts, socks, and tank were soaked by the end of class! But, Bo and I not only made it through the entire class, but I even became the girl who pedaled so hard that she ripped off the pedal! I was mortified but Dave M and the rest of the class were totally impressed. During our last speed interval at level 6 I was going all out when boom my left foot comes flying out due to the fact that the entire pedal came off the bike. Luckily I wasn’t injured but it definitely gave everyone in the class a good laugh. 🙂 I’m sure i’ll never live this down. Bo and I were definitely surprised that by the end of the class we were one of the people requesting that this class be a weekly addition to the Equinox class menu.
I was definitely starving by the time I reached the office. Instead of my normal oats, I opted for protein oats hoping that the added protein would hold me over longer. This morning’s mix was 1/2 c blueberries, 1/2 portion whey protein, 1 pack Natures Path No Sugar Added oats, cinnamon, a dash of salt, and water. It was delicious and held me over until my late lunch meeting. I also find that drinking tea throughout the morning helps satiate my need to snack or chew consantly.
This afternoon I was happily surprised to find out that I won Missy’s The Lite Choice giveaway! There are 15 locations in New York City so hopefully Bo and I can finally try their yogurt this weekend. The Lite Choice prides itself with it’s 100% all-natural soft-serve which is made from fresh ingredients. Similar to other options it is low fat and low calorie. But, the great party is that there aren’t any hidden additions like corn syrup and preservatives. Frozen yogurt that I can feel good eating?! I can’t wait!
Tonight I was pleasantly surprised to hear that I had two packages waiting for me at the front desk. One package is from Jay Robb and the other is from Angela’s awesome Glow Bakery bakery. I’m taking my first pack of Jay Robb to work tomorrow so i’ll review that and my first Glo Bar tomorrow night.
I had plans to join some other gals for a Core Fusion class tomorrow night but now no one can make it. I can’t decide whether I should go on my own or run since I haven’t run since Saturday’s long run.

Today’s Workout Song of the Day: Kings of Leon Use Somebody

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  1. Nicole March 8, 2010 / 1:10 am

    That seems amazing – I can't read to read more about it! thanks for sharing your review.

  2. Fit Chick in the City March 9, 2010 / 1:31 am

    I haven't heard of this place. As someone works in that profession, it sounds like a great company. I'll have to check out the website.

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