Friday Face Time: Hair & Fuel

Hey gang! The weekend is finally here!! I already know this is going to be a wonderful weekend because it’s Winter Ball weekend! Since we knew that tomorrow would be a crazy day, Theodora and I both opted to do our long run this morning. It was a relaxed long run for me and felt wonderful. I covered almost 12 miles and was able to talk over half the time.

There is something to be said about having your long run done before the weekend even officially begins! I’m so thankful that I can work from home on Fridays. That means that I can spend my commute and primping time running!


Now, without further adieu, it’s time for Friday Face Time! Thank you for all the new questions gang. This week’s Friday Face Time is about my favorite hair products and long run fuel!

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Friday Face Time: Cross Training and Workout Travel Tips

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Friday Facetime: Sleep and Workouts

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